The time lapse video of a construction site or a plant is not only a tool for remote monitoring of the progress of the works, but represents an opportunity for strategic communication for the company that decides to use it.
The time lapse video is a clip with short timing, usually under the minute, containing a message regarding the company or its products and services, with the main objective of informing and increasing customer loyalty, while increasing engagement and, therefore, sales. Creating a deep connection with your customers is essential for their purchasing decisions.
Creating a deep connection with your customers is essential for their purchasing decisions to be directed over time, and a time lapse video is a tool that does well in this regard, as it is able to generate a response of a double nature: both emotional , aimed at creating a sort of attachment of the customer towards the brand, both cognitive, providing for an immersion of the customer in the reality of the brand.
A professional, captivating and direct time lapse video, coordinated with good marketing strategies, manages to leverage the potential and wide diffusion of digital channels (among which social media represent the main vector) to increase brand awareness, thanks to the views and shares generated. Brand awareness contributes to the development of a positive brand image, thus increasing the likelihood that it will be taken into consideration by consumers and investors when choosing to purchase between different brands.
An effective promotional video requires great care on a technical level and it is therefore essential that the post-production and editing phases are carried out by professionals capable of reinforcing the message through specific tools such as color grading and color psychology, any errors that occurred during shooting, etc.